Best Methodology

Assessment as Learning
At KRIS, Learning becomes a process of self-assessment, and assessment becomes the process of learning itself. Through various specific and general learning experiences, children are engaged in developing criteria or traits of the topic/question of exploration which they are able to use as a tool for self-assessment.

Self Expression Time
Kasturians, especially in primary wing, are encouraged to write for pleasure. They are able to connect to themselves, give voice to their feelings, and become more aware of themselves through this practice of self-expression. Teachers play a vital role in talking to children about what they feel in order to genuinely know them better.

After every engaging activity in school, the children and teachers, together, sit in the Gyan Mudra for two minutes and practice deep breathing. They try to establish that connection with the present moment by becoming conscious of their breath.

Developing the Class Constitution
All teachers are engaged in learning encounters with different experts through the session. Through many such intensive workshops, we have been developing an understanding of certain clear domains that all teachers need to keep in mind when engaging with children in developing the class constitution or rules. Through a dynamic process of cognitive and social democracy, all children and teachers develop structures and rules that fall in the domain of communication, movement, respect, conflict resolution, resources and any other class-specific need. These are also practically reviewed by the class from time-to-time through the year.

Shouldering Responsibilities
Teachers guide children in being able to co-create certain structures and practices that can not only become reminders for keeping problems at bay, but also principles to generate thought about how to create meaningful practices. Hence, children also begin to shoulder responsibilities in class, becoming managers of stationary, notebooks, fun sheets, cleanliness, lining up for movement across school, and issuing of books and other such aspects. They begin to listen to each other and respond with respect.

Trips and Excursions
Children learn in an environment that values enquiry and raising questions through observation and reflection. This takes children for many a trip and excursion to places out of school, into the community. This also fosters in children a sense of ownership, responsibility and accountability for the learning encounters they take up. This way of exploration eventually becomes a way of thinking and of life.

Greater Education Programmes
A group of students helped by a staff member, research, co-ordinate and present a topic outside of the school syllabus in front of the entire School community for students and teachers.

Assessment System
Promotion to the next higher class at the end of the academic year is on the basis of a scheme of continuous assessment and is in accordance with the rules decided upon by the School Examinations Committee. A student is required to achieve a minimum of 40% marks in each subject and a total aggregate of 40% marks in classes.
At the Class IX and X stage, students are prepared for the central board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Board Examination, held at the end of Class X. In Classes XI and XII the students prepare for the central board for secondary examination (CBSE) Examination.

Live Learning
There is an active emphasis on real learning which is fostered through Educational Trips and visits to institutions and industries. Students travel to participate in programmes and seminars. Professionals from all fields are invited to give talks and run workshops for staff and students.